September 11 remembered

5th Anniversary of 9/11
World Has Become More Dangerous
Today marks the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States that claimed the lives of 2,792 innocent people. The unprecedented disaster made U.S. President George Bush declare a global war on terror. The U.S. military expedition to Afghanistan, a stronghold of Bin Laden, toppled the Taliban regime and set up a democratic government under President Hamid Karzai. American troops also flew to Iraq and unseated Saddam Hussein who was suspected of developing nuclear weapons and maintaining close relations with the terrorist group al- Qaida.
However, a growing number of people are raising questions about whether we have become safer in the last five years. Have the number of terror attacks dwindled? Is the end of the war on terror in sight? Few people would reply positively. The memories of the recent terror attacks in London, Madrid, Bali and Baghdad may not allow people to have positive expectations about the on-going war on terror being waged by the U.S. and its allies.
According to a recent news report, some 72,000 people have lost their lives in the war on terror over the last five years. Of them, some 40,000 to 45,000 are believed to be innocent civilians, it said. The number of U.S. soldiers killed in action in Iraq is around 2,700, almost same number as those who perished in the 9/11 terror attacks. Growing voices opposing the war are being heard in the U.S. and other nations.
The anti-war movement gained momentum as the U.S. justification for the war weakened greatly after it was discovered that the Iraqi nuclear weapons program, cited as a major reason to topple Saddam, proved non existent. In addition, the spiraling violence and sectarian conflict that is driving Iraq into civil war has deepened the doubts of Americans about the costly conflict.
Not a few people feel that something has gone seriously wrong. They believe American actions have made the world less safe to live in than before. It is a time for the U.S. to consider changing the basic strategy of its fight against terrorism. The U.S., the only superpower in the world, should pay heed to the advice about why the Islamic world sees the U.S. as its enemy. The current strategy is causing a growing number of those who used to be friendly to the U.S. turn their backs on America.
Many Muslims, particularly those living in the U.S. and Britain, are being prosecuted or investigated by police without solid evidence. What matters here is that the deep-rooted horror of terrorist attacks by Americans is used to justify unwarranted persecution of Muslims, making attacks on U.S. citizens more likely. Now is time for the U.S. to prepare for ending the Iraqi war and to seek other means to deal with terrorism.
Americans will mark the fifth anniversary of the September 11 attacks on Monday with somber ceremonies across the country and at the sites of the devastation in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.
The milestone has revived traumatic memories of the day when nearly 3,000 people were killed by al Qaeda and has sharpened an election-year debate over whether America, caught in a vicious conflict in Iraq, is any safer.
His approval ratings weighed down by the unpopular Iraq war,
President George W. Bush planned to attend the ceremonies at the sites and use the anniversary to renew his vow to pursue the war on terrorism.
"There's still an enemy out there that would like to inflict the same kind of damage again," Bush said on Sunday after visiting Ground Zero in New York where the World Trade Center's twin towers had stood.
He said the anniversary was "also a day of renewing resolve."
The hijacked airplane attacks on a crisp late summer day transformed Bush into a war president and he initially received high marks from Americans by attacking al Qaeda and the Taliban in
But the warm glow cooled as American casualties mounted in the Iraq war and the hunt for al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden foundered.
Facing the prospect that Democrats could wrest control of Congress from his fellow Republicans in November elections, Bush has been pushing his national security credentials as he did successfully during his 2004 re-election campaign.
While the White House insisted the anniversary ceremonies a 9 p.m. EDT (0100 GMT Tuesday) Oval Office speech by Bush were not about politics, images of the commander-in-chief in solemn remembrance are a respite from the drumbeat of criticism about the Iraq war.
Bush said he and wife Laura approached Monday's anniversary "with a heavy heart. It's hard not to think about the people who lost their lives on September the 11th, 2001."
Bush will meet firefighters in New York, visit Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where hijacked United Flight 93 crashed after a passenger revolt, and attend ceremonies at the Pentagon.
The fifth anniversary has generated a heated debate over whether America is safer. Bush, Vice
President Dick Cheney and other top officials say they believe security has improved.
But Richard Ben-Veniste, a member of the 9/11 commission that investigated the attacks, said the failure to bring Osama bin Laden to justice makes many Americans feel less safe.
"We have not killed or captured Osama bin Laden five years after 9/11. And he remains the central focus spiritually, ideologically, if not operationally for Islamic radicals who mean to kill us," he told ABC News' "This Week" program.

Did Bush Cause The 9/11 Attack?
On September 11, 2001 at 8:35 A.M. the first passenger jet flew into the north tower of the World Trade Center. At 9:03 A.M. the second jet flew into the south tower of the World Trade Center. When George W. Bush was told about this second jet he sat quietly reading "My Pet Goat" to school children for another 8 minutes.
The reason I believe that Bush caused the attack on 9/11 is not because of his immediate lack of reaction to the news, which in itself is very odd, but because of what happened leading up to 9/11, and after 9/11.
On August 6, 2001 Bush was given a national security memo that warned of a possible attack by al-Qaeda during the next few weeks using hijacked aircraft by al-Qaeda agents already inside the United States. Bush responded by taking a long vacation at his ranch in Crawford.
This was not the first warning Bush received about this threat but was just another in a long list of warnings and security recommendations.
Another strange fact had to do with Vice President Dick Cheney's activities that day. Dick was busy conducting war game simulations, some involving airplane hijacking simulations, in the north eastern portion of the United States. They would create fake blips on the radar screen and run simulations about what to do if the plane had been hijacked by terrorist. In preparation for this exercise Cheney had FEMA set up a command post on pier 29 in NYC on 9/10. Some of the simulations might have involved remote controlled aircraft.
Another troubling fact that day had to do with the lack of military jets that respond to the hijackings. Andrews Airforce Base was just 10 miles from Washington DC and yet fighter planes did not get into the air until after the third plane hit the Pentagon at 9:38 A.M.. Did someone tell the airforce to stand down for an hour?
Following is a list of other facts that point to gross incompetence, at best, and criminal collusion and conspiracy with the terrorist, at worst:
* Bush stopped Clinton's Saudi money tracking system.
* Bush told FBI to stop investigating Saudi money connection.
* Airlines stocks were being heavily traded during the weeks leading up to 9/11 indicating possible insider trading transactions.
* Of the 19 hijackers 17 were from Saudi Arabia.
* FBI Director Louis Freeh quits just weeks before attack on 9/11.
* FBI employee Sibel Edmonds warned about attack using hijacked commercial aircraft.
* A German agent told FBI about possible terrorist attack just prior to 9/11.
* Bush objects to 9/11 commission, he objects to the creation of the new department of Homeland Security, he refused to turn over documents, and he refuses to testify before the 9/11 commission. He does finally agree to testify but only after having an agreement that restricts questioning.
* NSA intercepts suspect chatter day before 9/11 warning of an attack that next day.
* Five hours after 9/11 attack Donald Rumsfeld told aides to come up with plans for attacking Iraq.
* Someone in Bush cabinet allowed the evacuation of bin Laden family member from the U.S..
* Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz shut down a plan to weaken the Taliban.
* The CIA's National Reconnaissance office had scheduled an exercise in which a small corporate jet would crash into an office tower following an equipment failure for the morning of 9/11.
* Numerous and repetitive lies from Condoleezza Rice, and Bush about warnings they had received prior to 9/11.
* Rumsfeld threatened a veto when Congress proposed to shift $600 million from Bush's Star Wars program to counter-terror programs prior to 9/11.
* Clifford Clarke gave numerous warnings to Bush officials about al-Qaeta plans to attack inside the U.S..
* Despite increased threat warning Tenet only briefed Bush twice in August 17 and 31. This is usually a daily briefing.
* Ashcroft's Justice Department curtailed a program to monitor al-Qaeda suspects in the U.S..
* Ashcroft stops flying in commercial aircraft and starts flying in private jets due to security alerts in the weeks before 9/11.
* In 1996 Clinton and Gore recommended changes in air safety but Republicans in Congress removed many recommendations claiming they were two costly for the airlines, or might infringe on civil liberties.
All these facts may just be incredible coincidences, or there could be a criminal collusion and conspiracy between the Bush administration, the Saudis, al-Qaeta, and the terrorist.
The truth is 9/11 was the perfect excuse the Bush administration needed to do what they have been doing; starting a costly long term war in Iraq, running up huge budget deficits for as far as be projected, rolling back civil liberties of American citizens, and using the war on terror as an excuse for massive increases in military budgets.
Did the Bush administration know about 9/11 in advance? Did they help plan 9/11? Are they profiting from 9/11? How does that saying go? "If it looks like it, smells like it, and acts like it". You can draw your own conclusions Bush's character, I already know he is a low life scum bag liar and a thief who has no qualms about killing people.
( Chris M Fick - GWB is shameless)
9/11 America terrorist world trade center al Qaeda Osama bin Laden
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