Report lodged against Internet website
Report lodged against Internet website
PETALING JAYA: theSun and Nexnews Group Executive Editor P. Gunasegaram yesterday lodged a complaint against an internet website for carrying a posting inciting people to do bodily harm to Gunasegaram over an article he wrote.
The Complaint was made to the Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia (CMCF), an industry body set up under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1988 that is tasked with monitoring contents and handling complaints.
Gunasegaram had written an article “The Myth of Mahathir’s Invincibility” that appeared in theSun on Wednesday. The website concerned had on the same day reproduced the article and solicited reaction. Several people responded and someone who identified himself as “IImran” suggested that Gunasegaram be shot on his views on Mahathir.
Nexnews Group Editor-in-Chief Ho Kay Tat said: “The website concerned is moderated by blogger Jeff Ooi who we hold responsible for allowing the posting ‘Somebody, please shoot this Gunasegaram for good’ to appear on his website.”
“While we have no problem having anyone debate discuss or even challenge what Gunasegaram wrote and indeed many people have – threat of bodily harm is another thing altogether and should be taken seriously” said Ho. “It is irresponsible of Ooi to allow the posting on his website. We do not understand what motivated him to allow it.”
Gunasegaram had yesterday morning also written to Ooi demanding that he remove the threat from his website. The posting, which was there for over 24 hours, was subsequently removed.
Ho said it was decided that a formal complaint to CMCF should still be made because there should be no repeat of such internet postings on that or any other website.
“The internet is not a lawless entity where people can do anything they want,” he said. “It is still subject to the laws of the country.”
He added that as a newspaper group, Nexnews supports freedom of speech and freedom of expression but a threat to hurt someone is criminal intimidation, not freedom of expression.
“Freedom of expression does not extend to inciting people to cause harm to someone else,” Ho said. “Indeed the threat to Gunasegaram was clearly meant to shut him up. Those of us who cherish freedom of expression should be abhorred that the website that claims to be a champion of free speech saw it fit to allow someone to make that threat.”

Report lodged against internet website
The Sun
The Sun and Nexnews Group Executive Editor P. Gunasegaram yesterday lodged a complaint against an internet website for carrying a posting inciting people to do bodily harm to Gunasegaram over an article he wrote.
The complaint was made to the Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia (CMCF), an industry body set up under the Communications and Multimedia Act 1988 that is tasked with monitoring contents and handling complaints.
Gunasegaram had written an article "The Myth of Mahathir"s Invincibility" that appeared in theSun on Wednesday. The website concerned had on the same day reproduced the article and solicited reaction. Several people responded and someone who identified himself as "IImran" suggested that Gunasegaram be shot for his views on Mahathir...(more)
(Source-Malaysia today net)
P Gunasegaram says his life is threatened
Remember 1979, during the influx of the Vietnamese Boat People into Malaysia? Dr Mahathir, then not yet the prime minister, was vilified by the international media for saying "Shoot them!" when what he really meant was "to fix the refugees' problem". There is an Internet archive on this.
Twenty-seven years later, the same episode has befallen a Screenshots reader, thus implicating this weblog.
theSun (August 4, Pg 2) reports that theSun and Nexnews Group Executive Editor P. Gunasegaram yesterday lodged a complaint against this weblog for allegedly "carrying a posting inciting people to do bodily harm to Gunasegaram over an article he wrote".
read the respond from Jeff 's screenshot here
Mr. Gunasegaram, please shoot me down now
(James Wong Wing- FREEDOM in SOLIDARITY)
As a public critic of some of Dr. Mahathir's policies and measures such as Operation Lalang and closure of newspapers in 1987-1988 (check this up with Kit Siang or his son) and his persecution of Anwar Ibrahim in 1998-2004 (check this up with Kak Wan), I really can' t remember there was a P. Gunasegaram in the camp of Tun's critics in the public domain.
But, after Tun is no more in power, P. Gunasegaram has suddenly - hey presto!- become one of the most vocal anti-Mahathir 'hero'. Well, I may be wrong in my recollection (and, unfortunately, I am unable to read Tamil newspapers). Prove me wrong and shoot me down then.
By the way, isn't it a great idea to secretly prepare 44 or 88 questions for Abdullah Ahmad Badawi just in case the wheel of fung sui turns the other way round (but it is only prudent to keep the questions secretly in bank's safe deposit box for the moment) ?

由于不满一名读者的留言“威胁”,《太阳报》执行编辑古纳西加兰(P.Gunasegaram)昨日向马来西亚通讯及多媒体内容论坛 (Communications and Multimedia Content Forum of Malaysia),投报著名部落客黄泉安的网站Screenshot。
事情源自古纳在上星期三《太阳报》言论板上撰写了一篇批判马哈迪的文章“破除马哈迪所向无敌的谜思”(The Myth of Mahathir’s invincibility),而黄泉安也在同日刊出这则评论并征求读者的意见。在数名读者的回应中,其中一名署名“Ilmran”的读者,建议“射掉” 批判马哈迪的古纳。
《太阳报》集团总编辑何启达指出,“这个网站是由部落客黄泉安主持,我们认为他必须为这一则留言“请一劳永逸射掉这个古纳西加兰”(Somebody, please shoot this Gunasegaram for good)负责。”
Read the article "The Myth of Mahathir"s Invincibility" in my blog posted 3th Aug 2006.
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